Dr. Richard Miron is currently lead educator and researcher at Advanced PRF Education and an Adjunct Visiting Faculty in the department of Periodontology in Bern, Switzerland where he completed his PhD studies since 2009.

He has currently published over 350 peer-reviewed articles and lectures internationally on many topics relating to growth factors, bone biomaterials and guided bone regeneration.

For the past 5 years, Dr. Miron has been recognized by Dentistry Today as being one of the top 100 CE providers in the country and the youngest to ever make the list. He is also the top ranked researcher on Platelet-Rich Fibrin therapy as per Expertscape independent review.

He has recently been awarded many recent international prizes in dentistry and is widely considered as one of the top contributors to implant dentistry having won the ITI Andre Schroeder Prize, the IADR Young Investigator of the Year in the field of Implant Dentistry as well as the IADR Socransky Research award in the field of Periodontology (2020).

He has written 8 textbooks widely distributed in regenerative dentistry including his best-seller in 2019 titled: “Next Generation Biomaterials for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration” and “Understanding Platelet Rich Fibrin” in 2021.


Main Podium Lecture

PRF and Exosomes: A Perfect Marriage in Regenerative Medicine

Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has been utilized in regenerative medicine and dentistry for nearly 3 decades owing to its ability to speed both hard and soft tissue regeneration. Today, as a standard, implant dentists rely on PRF to improve soft tissue healing around grafted/implant sites as well as to improve the handling of bone grafting particles. It is interesting to note that PRF was FDA approved in the early 2010s and it took over a decade before most clinicians adapted the technology in their practice. Many improvements to the technology have been pioneered within our research and clinical affiliates to provide clinicians the most effective means possible to produce proper platelet concentrates within their facilities.

Exosomes are the smallest subset of extracellular signaling vesicles secreted by most cells with a diameter range of 30–150nm. Their use has gained great momentum recently due to their ability to be utilized as therapeutic options. In simple terms, PRF publications tend to produce roughly 500 publications per year whereas over a 10 fold increase in publications (over 5,000) are currently being published yearly on the topic of exosomes. This number is only expected to dramatically increase as novel therapeutic strategies continue to be investigated. This talk first focuses on understanding exosomes, including their cellular origin, biogenesis, function and characterization. Thereafter, overviews of their therapeutic potential as novel therapeutic options in regenerative medicine with a high focus on dental applications will be discussed.

• Provide an overview of the top 20 improvements in PRF therapy over the past decade to maximize clinicians use of the technology.
• Provide a general understanding of exosomes and their massive potential to help dentists performing regenerative protocols in implant dentistry and periodontology
• Highlight the use of exosomes and PRF in combination approaches in regenerative medicine


Hands-on Work Shop 1 (Wednesday, October 2, 2024 | 8:00am - 12:00pm)

New Trends in PRF therapy

This hands-on course will cover all the new advancements made with respect to the newest formulations of platelet concentrates. These will cover how to make custom-shaped PRF grafts, how to better concentrate liquid-PRF and will provide a better understanding for optimization of the protocols utilized in every day dental practice.
Thereafter, the Bio-Heat technology will be presented. This will cover the heating steps necessary to extend the working properties of PRF from a fast-resorbing 2-3 week membrane towards a membrane that lasts 4-6 months. Various protocols will be demonstrated whereby clinicians will learn how to make an extended-PRF membrane that lasts 4-6 months, as well as how to make a novel sticky bone that contains an outer e-PRF membrane that may be utilized for ridge augmentation procedures.

• Optimization of protocols for any centrifugation device
• Update on Bio-Heat technology and the ability to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months
• Improve cell and growth factor release using concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) protocols when compared to traditional injectable-PRF (i-PRF) on any centrifugation device
• Launch of the Bio-Cool technology
• Importance of PRF tubes for the fabrication of PRF
• Coupon code for Free access to an online 8CE program at www.prf-edu.com


Hands-on Workshop 2 (Wednesday, October 2, 2024 | 1:30pm - 5:30pm)

Natural Regeneration using Platelet Rich Fibrin in Facial Esthetics

Facial aesthetics is booming globally, offering vast opportunities for dentists. Both novice and experienced practitioners seek convenient, safe, and effective therapies to meet growing patient demands.

This workshop focuses on a 100% natural approach using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), a well-established method in regenerative medicine now entering the medical aesthetic realm. Through innovations like Bio-Heat Technology, PRF's resorption period can be extended from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months, yielding a long-lasting biological filler.

Combining PRF with techniques like micro needling (the 'Vampire Facial') promotes collagen synthesis and soft tissue regeneration naturally. This approach, pioneered by www.care-esthetics.com, reflects a rising trend of dentists providing facial aesthetic services in their offices.

• Understanding the potential for dentists to offer additional services in this 100+ Billion dollars Industry.
• Demonstrations and practice on how to perform micro-needling procedures with PRF
• Presentation regarding multi-level branding using CARE Esthetics specific to dentistry
• Coupon code for Free access to an online 8CE program at www.prf-edu.com



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