Pterygoid Implant Therapy - How & Why

Pikos Symposium 2025

CE Hours


Date & Time

October 1, 2025

1:00 pm


5:00 pm




per person

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Reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla can be challenging due to inadequate quantity and quality of bone often requiring time consuming and costly grafting procedures which can dictate up to a one-year delayed loading protocol.

An accelerated treatment protocol with immediate function can be made possible with the use of remote skeletal anchorage using:

  1. the Pterygoid process of the Sphenoid and
  2. the Zygoma

This in-depth theory & hands on workshop will focus on the up-until-now relatively under-evaluated and under-use Pterygoid implant. 

The "how and why" of pterygoid implants will be addressed in detail viz:

  1. Relevant surgical anatomy
  2. Indications and contraindications 
  3. Step-by-step surgical technique
  4. Mistakes, problems, and complications

Learning Objectives

At the end of this theory and hands-on workshop participants should be able to:

  1. Have a good understanding of the relevant surgical anatomy for placing Pterygoid implants 
  2. Execute step-by-step the workflow for Pterygoid implant placement
  3. Recognize and prevent incorrect Pterygoid implant placement & complications