Dr. Cameron Full

Dr. Cameron Full

Cameron Full is an intuitive problem-solver with a diverse skillset of expertise, primarily grounded in business management and digital solutions.

His education and experience blends leadership, creativity, and technology with consultative proficiency in various market segments. He is capable of envisioning necessary technologies, developing and implementing technology models, and delivering measurable results.

The cornerstone of Cameron's project management process is creative-critical thinking. With demonstrated experience in efficiency processes, measurable data results and visual design skills, Cameron combines project form and process function.

A Doctoral Candidate at St. Ambrose University, his tracks of study include organizational behavior, human resource management, strategic management, and organizational theory. His dissertation research centers on the Bricolage Theory of Entrepreneurship.

Cameron will be contributing to Elite Practice Systems with his 20-plus years of experience in small business ownership and management as well as digital strategy and asset creation, and most recently with his creation of referral and practice analytics software systems.